👋 Hello, I'm


Front-end developer based in Nigeria

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Check out some of my featured projects below

Food website project preview

Food Landing Page

I entered the world of front-end development by gaining some knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from the TEFEM bootcamp. I used my knowledge of these languages, along with my new skills in VS Code, to build a food landing page. The page utilizes JavaScript functions to create user interaction.

Website Portfolio

As an intern at CODSOFT, I utilizd my skills in html,css,javascript amd bootstrap to create a functional, responsive and interactive website portfolio for a renowned photography brand-showing off their skills and providing easy access between customers and the brand

Portfolio project preview
Chinese food website project preview

Chinese Food Landing Page

Using my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I used my knowledge of these languages, along with my new skills in VS Code, to build a landing page for a chinese restaurant. The page utilizes JavaScript functions to create user interaction.

Weather App

I built a Vanilla JavaScript weather app in SheCodes Plus, an advanced 8-week JavaScript coding workshop. Building upon my previously-gained knowledge, I also became skilled in Bootstrap, API's, real-life development workflow, hosting, and advanced JavaScript. I combined all of these skills to create a fully-functioning weather app.

Weather project preview
calculator project preview

Calculator App

I took a chance at creating something other than a regular webpage- I built this fully functional calculator using html,css and Javascript